Meat is a highly prized food for its flavor and texture., and the quality of the cut is a determining factor in the culinary experience offered. Next, we will talk about some of the cuts of meat best valued by experts and gastronomy lovers.

  • Beef steak: The T-bone steak is a cut highly appreciated for its intense flavor and juiciness.. It is obtained from the upper part of the loin of the ox, and its thickness is usually about 4 a 5 cm. This cut is usually cooked on the grill so that it is golden on the outside and juicy on the inside., and can be enjoyed both alone and with different garnishes.
  • Sirloin: The sirloin is one of the most tender and valued cuts of meat.. It is obtained from the lower part of the animal's back, and its smooth texture makes it ideal for cutting into fillets and preparing in different ways. It can be cooked on the grill, baked or even grilled for a delicious texture and flavor.
  • T-Bone: The T-Bone is a cut that is obtained from the lower back of the animal, and its name is due to its shape “T”. This cut is a combination of two parts of the meat: sirloin and entrecote, which makes it ideal for those who want to enjoy both flavors in one piece. It is usually cooked on the grill to obtain an exquisite texture and flavor.
  • Pork ribs: Pork ribs are another of the most valued and appreciated cuts in the kitchen. They are obtained from the ventral zone of the animal, and are characterized by having a sweet taste and a high fat content, which makes them ideal for cooking on the grill or in the oven. This cut is very versatile and can be prepared in different ways and with different sauces..
  • steak: The entrecote is one of the most popular cuts and is obtained from the upper part of the animal's ribs.. This cut is highly appreciated for its intense flavor and juicy texture.. Can be cooked on the grill, grilled or baked, and is usually accompanied with garnishes such as chips or vegetables.

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