If you don't know the T-bone cut of meat, it's no reason to worry, it is simply because it is not something that we normally use in Spanish cuisine. And this is not because we do not use this part of the veal, Unlike, but our priority is to get different cuts of meat from this part of the veal or beef.
so next we help you to know this different and tasty cut of beef and beef!
What is the T-bone cut of meat?
As his name already advances, It is a cut of beef or veal with a T-shaped bone. (“bone”= bone in English).
How is the T-bone cut?
This is a premium cut of meat. It is a cut that has not been found much in Spain until now because other cuts from this area are prioritized in Mediterranean cuisine. While, in the United States and England it is a very popular cut, especially when we talk about the barbecue.
In Spanish cuisine these areas are separated as sirloin and entrecote. Dos trozos de carne premium, each in their right. But the T-bone cut is made transverse to the rib, creating a cut of meat that has entrecote on one side and sirloin on the other. The pieces are separated by a T-shaped bone.
The thickness of the T-bones varies from beef to beef due to the size of the ribs., but ideally it should be around 2,5 cm thick.
How do you cook a T-bone?
The best way to savor a T-bone is on the barbecue or grill. It's a thick cut, so if you like your meat to the point you can have a little wait, since you should take some 8-10 minutes per side on the grill. But if you like it rare 3-4 minutes on each side will be enough. the same, if you like it one way or the other, this tasty cut is always worth the wait.
Where can I try the best T-bone in Salou?
The best T-bone in Salou is always waiting for you* on the grill of the Asador Córcega Salou restaurant.
Do not hesitate and reserve your table if you want to enjoy a good T-bone!
*availability subject to stock and temporality. Check availability by phone.
Reserve your table to enjoy the best T-bone in Salou
Contact us for more information and reservations.