
The steak tartar It is a delicious recipe of raw minced meat and mashed that is served, usually, accompanied by a raw egg. A dish that shows the flavor and texture of the meat in all its splendor. There are several theories about its origin, all very exotic as we will see next. The most widespread attributes its creation to the riders of Mongolia but others assure that it comes from the islands of French Polynesia.

The first theory states that the steak tartar started as a rudimentary way of feeding in the harsh Asian steppes. The Tartar riders, belonging to a Mongolian tribe, deposited meat under the chair from his horse to soften it and be able to consume it. However, there are those who affirm that the sweating of the animal would spoil the meat, making it inedible. They claim that the purpose of this method was to cure horse sores caused by saddles.

The second theory considers that the steak tartar is an imported recipe from the French Polynesia, where the consumption of raw meat was common. This set began to appear in the restaurants of French hotels in the early twentieth century and became popular in the 1950s., although it was known as beefsteak American style. Later, the prestigious chef Escoffier, co-founder of the chain Ritz, incorporates the tartar parsley al beefsteak; helping to unite both elements. However, later the diccionario Larousse Gastronomic would define the steak tartar as a preparation of raw meat with egg without the obligation to include parsley tartare.

Literary allusions to the steak tartar. Alexander Dumas he mentions it in his famous work "The Count of Montecristo " and Julio Verne talks about the steak tartar in "Miguel Strogoff, the czar's mail ". It is probably no coincidence that the steak tartar be one of the specialties of restaurants Jules Verne, located in the Eiffel Tower.

In any case and regardless of its origin, the steak tartar It is a delicious recipe of raw meat and chopped sirloin, egg, pickles, capers, lemon juice, parsley, Pepper, salsa Worcestershire, mustard and even anchovies, in some cases. Of this delicious recipe, numerous variants emerged. In Corsica restaurant one of our specialties is tartar the two salmon.

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